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2 the next level. Arturo is a high speed journey in 2 the techno-wild natural system, a race in 2 to violente society. The main idea is coming from the video-game. There is a game to play, and if you want to proceed you have to be in the next level. Like in a competition there are thousand of challengers to fight and everyone is looking 2 be forward. The next level is never enough, because there is always a new level 2 conquer. This mechanism brings a sort of no-end-way of growing up by nihilism, brain shock, physical damage, until is arriving 2 be a perfect mechanis of war, shooting in all directions, speedy in all the ways, crashing structure, hiting limits . When you will arrive at the next level, you will be in the present of the game, that means that you are already in the past, because there are already there new frontiers to conquer. It's like to live always on the edge of a level and the beginning of a new one. And this is exactly the physical place where you are: in the between of the already done and next level, suddenly become the already done. The speed mind-movement is the main subject. Mind-migration and physical-movement, higher control and phycological manipulation. The video finish itself showning an explosion, sudnley faded in a crane's system on the open sky, symbol of the re-costruction. Destroy and crash to rebuild and redesign. It is a Hymn 2 the chaos , 2 the ways of the disorder, 2 the highways of power. 500 audio samples and nearly 1000 video samples You are already part of the game. And it's coming to pick you up with a mega-mix. bullet the blue sky