Main target of the project is to reveal some interesting aspects of the low-level interactions between some computer-controlled human interfaces like Light and Sound machines (aka Brain Machines) and human itself. These devices provide a way to stimulate our self-controlled states of perception and to manage them using simply a Light, Sound and Electrical pulses in a isolated environment.
L/S/E machines work using the concept of the over-stimulated EEG (Electro Encefalic Graphics): roughly, every living creature has an internal 'clock' which is descripted by its EEG. Represented by graphics, they reveal the way of working of our brain, which uses less resources as possible, relatively to the activity that we are doing in a specific moment.
So if we are sleeping, our brain can be 'clocked' at very low frequencies, a state which takes the name of Delta-Waves stadium. Brain is not working, dreams are not produced: EEG reveals a base frequency of 1Hz (one cicle per second) or slightly more.
If we are doing a mind hardwork, like playing with an action game, brain can have a base frequency that could reach also more of 30Hz (Gamma Waves).
Someone compares this bio-clock to the clock frequency of computers. We have no fixed timebase, brain is adaptive relatively to the environment.
XBrain is currently developing the third generation of Hardware and Software pairs to get an advanced key to improve the past experiences.